Employee active time tracking software

Monitor employee computer active time with WorkTime monitoring solution

Try now 14 days free
  • In-office, hybrid, remote
  • For Windows, macOS
  • Cloud, on-premise
  • For Terminal/Citrix server
  • For 1-20,000+ computers
  • 25+ years on the market

Active/idle time monitoring

  • Employee total active and idle time
  • Actual activity time vs. expected
  • Active time progress
  • Active time per employee
  • Active time per day
  • And more

Who is at work and active right now?

WorkTime offers its What's Now report, which shows who is at work, off work, on vacation, who is currently active or idle, productive or unproductive, and much more.
Try now 14 days free

Active time before & after WorkTime

Just another success by a WorkTime customer

UK bank, 170 employees, remote team monitoring

Active time before WorkTime
Active time after WorkTime

Active time: remote vs. in-office

Compare employee active time between remote and in-office work. With WorkTime, you can skip the guesswork and compare the actual numbers.
Start free trial
WorkTime remote employee active time monitoring

Set active time goal & monitor progress

Define active time goal and monitor active time progress for every employee, department, and the entire company.

Minimize employee idle time

WorkTime is an excellent tool for employee engagement. It's great for boosting active time and minimizing idle time.

Active time: actual vs. expected, total and per hour

Active time per employee, per department, for the entire team

Monitor active and idle time per hour, per day/week/month/year

WorkTime. Employee active time monitoring

Success story





Instant increase in active time!

This UK bank managed to increase their remote employees' active time by 46% in just 3 days! WorkTime functions and it's transparent approach made it smooth and effective.

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Excellent boost!

WorkTime. Idle time monitoring

More active time monitoring features from WorkTime

Green active time monitoring

WorkTime is Green socially responsible employee monitoring. It supports workplace health.

WorkTime Green employee monitoring is the only non-invasive monitoring on the market. All invasive functions are replaced by safe, non-invasive alternatives.

HIPAA compatible

GDPR compatible

GDPR compatible

Active time Timeline & Calendar reports

Timeline is a great report to observe employee active time

Use Timeline to compare employee productivity

WorkTime. Employee active time monitoring

Calendar report displays active time per day

Timesheet/calendar report displays active time per day, either per employee or per group of employees

WorkTime. Employee active time monitoring

Benefits of active time monitoring

Monitoring active time has never been easier!

  • Automatic, seamless active time monitoring
  • Computer active/idle hours tracking
  • Productivity monitoring during active hours
  • Remote and hybrid work monitoring
  • Comprehensive work time reports
  • Easy implementation process

Reduce employee idle time and increase active time. start now!

More about active and idle time monitoring from WorkTime

Here are the benefits of using Active/Idle time monitoring software

• Boost overall employee productivity. • Monitor in real-time with idle time tracking software. • Stay updated on the progress of tasks during working hours. • Easily analyze and supervise employee activity levels. • Get detailed and complete reports on employee activity. • Establish a corporate policy with detailed monitoring reports. • Cut down on excessively long meetings. • Cut down on paychecks with the idle time tracking software.

Reason to start active & idle time monitoring?

Employees can easily get distracted at work – chatting, surfing the net for personal purposes, visiting social networking sites, or taking long coffee breaks during the hours they are paid to be active. This could lead to the misuse of working hours and money loss. To put it more precisely, Harvard Business School conducted a study that found that businesses lose over $100 billion every year in wages paid to employees for idle time. So, the need for employers to monitor is clear. Employee Idle time, which is the time spent away from one's PC/laptop can be easily tracked with idle time tracking software. Employee active time is the time spent on PC/laptop performing work-related activities and can also be tracked with our easy software.

What are the benefits of using Idle/Active time monitoring software?

1. Boost overall employee productivity

Through active & idle time analytics provided by monitoring software, managers and employees can gain insights into high-and low-productivity trends and help to identify peak performance periods and areas that need improvement. Experience a revolution in time management with our idle time tracking software, empowering you to transform idle moments into opportunities for growth.

2. Monitor in real-time

Being an automated system, active & idle time monitoring software can flawlessly monitor and measure work activity in real-time without relying on human input. Uncover hidden productivity potential with our state-of-the-art idle time tracking software, designed to optimize your workforce's time utilization.

3. Stay updated on the progress of tasks during working hours

Maximize your resources with precision – our idle time tracking software provides real-time insights into downtime, allowing you to make informed decisions. Active/idle time monitoring software helps to track progress on specific tasks. Employers can determine how many hours employees spend on tasks when computers are being used and then use this as a benchmark to better plan, execute, and allocate the workload more efficiently to keep teams productive. Activity time tracker is a great solution for teams that often slips into idle time at work.

4. Efficiently analyze and supervise employee activity levels

Achieve peak productivity levels by integrating our idle time tracking software, a powerful tool for monitoring and optimizing your team's work habits.Monitoring employee idle time allows organizations to identify patterns of inactivity and implement strategies to mitigate downtime. Monitoring software is a great tool for employers or managers to analyze and supervise employee activity levels, recognize well-performing employees, and address those who are being idle or lagging.

5. Get detailed and complete reports on activity

Addressing employee idle time is crucial for maximizing operational efficiency and ensuring that valuable working hours are utilized effectively. Employee idle time can be a significant factor affecting overall productivity, prompting businesses to seek solutions for better time management. Detailed reports show if employees spend their working hours performing assigned tasks and the exact number of hours employees were active or idle. It also helps assess whether there is a need to reduce or increase the amount of time spent on specific projects and activities. Maximize your resources with precision – our idle time tracking software provides real-time insights into downtime, allowing you to make informed decisions.

6. Establish corporate policies with detailed monitoring reports

The analysis of employee idle time helps managers make informed decisions about resource allocation and workload distribution. Another situation could arise when reports reveal that employees are using the internet for personal reasons. This information could be used to develop a corporate policy prohibiting the use of company-provided internet for non-business-related purposes during paid hours. By understanding and addressing the root causes of employee idle time, organizations can foster a more engaged and efficient workforce, ultimately contributing to overall business success.

7. Cut down on excessively long meetings

From a corporate viewpoint, long meetings are often seen as top time-wasters in organizations. The Harvard Business Review showed that weekly executive meeting consumes 300,000 hours every year. Meetings can be organized and controlled with time monitoring software to ensure that meetings are straight to the point. With idle time tracking software you can be sure time is really spend on work.

8. Cut down on paychecks

Active/idle time monitoring software can help avoid errors during payroll management procedures by providing accurate time reports. The detailed reports will also serve as justification or proof in cases where employees claim overtime. Companies often utilize advanced software tools to track and manage employee idle time, enabling a proactive approach to enhancing productivity. Take control of your workday with our idle time tracking software – the key to unlocking untapped potential and driving success for your business.

Ensure active time efficiency with WorkTime reports

WorkTime is an active/idle time monitoring software that processes applications and websites used by employees/departments in real-time. The outcome of the analysis can be available in reports in minutes/hours or by percentage. Data received from the Active/Idle Time reports measure the number of active hours employee(s) spend on work-related computer activities, sites visited, and idle hours. Data analysis could be instrumental in achieving various business goals.

More features from WorkTime

1. Detection of false overtime. Detecting false overtime is a breeze with the cutting-edge technology of WorkTime. This advanced feature automatically identifies instances of false overtime, resulting in substantial cost savings for companies, ranging from thousands to tens of thousands of dollars annually. 2. Improved efficiency. Our idle time tracking software helps you identify and eliminate unproductive gaps in your team's workday. Experience enhanced efficiency through idle time tracking with our solution. By detecting prolonged periods of downtime or inactive work, you can identify high-performing employees and address any issues related to prolonged inactivity. Take decisive actions to eliminate productivity hurdles and optimize workflow. Get rid of employee idle times with WorkTime. With the idle time tracker, employees can easily keep tabs on non-productive intervals, empowering teams to optimize their time management and enhance overall efficiency. Take control of your workday with our idle time tracking software – the key to unlocking untapped potential and driving success for your business. 3. Perfect for remote employees. Our software, in particular the idle time detection feature, is perfect for remote employees, allowing companies to monitor efficiency, productivity and other parameters that will allow them to evaluate the quality of the employee's work and implement changes to the workflow if necessary. Activity time tracker is a savior for you remote employees. 4. Compliance with deadlines. Achieve deadline compliance with the help of idle time tracking software. WorkTime's software is committed to assisting clients in improving productivity and efficiency. Our advanced solutions automatically calculate total idle time, ensuring a focus on meeting important deadlines. 5. A non-invasive approach. Emphasizing a non-invasive approach, all WorkTime monitoring functions, including idle time tracking software, strictly adhere to a model that respects employee privacy. Our software cannot be used for surveillance or any activities that compromise the confidentiality of individuals. 6. Automatic idle time monitoring. Say goodbye to manual analysis and waiting periods. WorkTime's automatic idle time monitoring provides real-time insights into employee performance, eliminating the need to press buttons or wait for hours or days to gather crucial data on idle time, efficiency, and other metrics. The timeproof app ensures accurate time tracking, providing a reliable solution for managing work hours efficiently. Idle Time Software is a great chance to finally cut off that idle time in your team work. The employee activity time sheet meticulously records and categorizes each staff member's work hours, offering a detailed overview of daily tasks. By referring to the employee activity time sheet, managers can gain insights into productivity patterns and effectively plan future work assignments. You can see all the necessary data in reports from WorkTime which are generated automatically. Maximize your resources with precision – our idle time tracking software provides real-time insights into downtime, allowing you to make informed decisions. 7. Saving company budget. Watch your company's budget thrive by leveraging a computer idle time tracker. It enables significant cost savings by preventing the need for false overtime payments or reducing overtime expenses, especially for hourly employees. 8. Idle time management. WorkTime's idle time tracking software feature will not ring like a bell tower every time an employee goes away for a couple of minutes. We realize that sometimes communication with colleagues or a two-minute conversation with the boss is also part of the workflow. 9. Discipline Enhancement. Witness a boost in employee discipline with the idle time tracker, as proven by WorkTime's experience. When employees are aware that extended periods of inactivity will not go unnoticed, they are motivated to work harder, leading to an overall improvement in discipline levels. Effortlessly manage and reduce idle time in your workplace with our intuitive idle time tracking software, ensuring a more focused and productive team.

More questions answered:

What is idle time?

Idle time refers to the periods when employees are not actively engaged in productive work on their computers. It often includes moments of inactivity, such as breaks, meetings, or waiting time between tasks. Idle Time Software can track and analyze idle time to help businesses understand resource utilization, enhance productivity, and identify opportunities for workflow optimization. The idle time tracker efficiently monitors and logs periods of inactivity, providing valuable insights into productivity gaps within the workflow. Start monitoring and forget what is idle time. Boost your team's efficiency with our idle time tracking software, ensuring every moment counts for maximum productivity.

How long before teams goes idle?

The duration before teams go idle can vary based on individual work patterns and organizational needs. Employee monitoring software enables businesses to customize idle time thresholds, allowing them to define specific periods of inactivity that trigger notifications or insights. This flexibility ensures that teams can adapt the idle time settings to align with their unique workflows and operational requirements. Idle time tracking software is the key to productive work team.

How to keep teams from going idle?

Ensure team engagement with our idle time tracker by setting clear break expectations, encouraging regular short breaks, and utilizing real-time alerts for prolonged inactivity. Adjust idle time settings to match dynamic work patterns, promoting productivity without compromising well-being. Idle tools is helpful and employee monitoring software is among the best decision. Change teams idle time with automatic employee monitoring. Strategically invest your team's time with our idle time tracking software, identifying patterns and trends to create a more streamlined and efficient workflow.

How to change idle time on teams?

By having precise idle time data, you can efficiently address issues and find tailored solutions, ensuring enhanced productivity for your team. Take your idle team away and boost active work time among employees. Achieve peak productivity levels by integrating our idle time tracking software, a powerful tool for monitoring and optimizing your team's work habits.

How to stop teams from going idle?

To prevent teams from going idle, encourage regular breaks to maintain engagement. Foster interactive communication channels and utilize real-time alerts from employee monitoring software for prolonged inactivity. Using monitoring software is the best solution as an idle tool. Keep teams from going idle with our idle time tracking software.

How to change inactive time on teams?

Leverage employee monitoring software to optimize these settings for enhanced team productivity while respecting individual work patterns. Teams idle time can be a real issue but you can easily decrease it with WorkTime idle time tracking software.

How to change teams idle time?

Effortlessly adjust employee idle time on teams with our monitoring software. Access settings, customize the idle time duration to align with your work patterns, and optimize team productivity. Tailor monitoring settings to suit your preferences for an efficient and personalized experience. Stop worrying about idle team and boost productivity with employee monitoring software. Boost your team's efficiency with our idle time tracking software, ensuring every moment counts for maximum productivity.