We are WorkTime, a producer of employee monitoring software, the only non-invasive on the market. We can help you measure your employee productivity during business travel in a very gentle way. Look how.
Before getting on board…
Every employee is unique, with different needs, physical/mental health, and approaches to traveling by air. Some can be delighted with upcoming business travel opportunities, but some can be scared just thinking about a plane. Even preparation for business travel can be a stressor for the employee. Hence, it’s highly important to consider a variety of factors before employee business travel.Business travel: there are always two sides
According to the survey by TravelPerk, 40% of respondents claimed that business travel boosted their personal and professional growth. What are the other pros of employee business travel?- Business travel helps develop new skills necessary for career growth;
- Traveling is beneficial for meeting new people and building new connections;
- Business travel increases employee engagement;
- Going abroad helps find new purposes;
- Higher chances of getting a promotion.
Anyway, employees feel insecure outside their regular workplace. Travelers often visit unfamiliar places, which can make them targets for criminals. There are risks for the employer, too. 1. The employee business travel expenses can increase significantly in case of illness or injury. 2. The business owner can face legal and financial consequences related to the misbehavior of the traveling employee. 3. There is a risk of losing commercially sensitive data, reputational damage, or loss of equipment (caused by airline issues or hypothetical theft).Traveling can be risky. Employees often face security, safety, and medical problems during work-related trips.
Facing the aftermath of frequent business trips
Physical health
Regular flights are harmful to physical health. Get ready to face these risks if you are often on board:- Tired legs. Sitting for a long time results in reduced blood circulation;
- A shortage of oxygen because of low pressure can lead to shortness of breath;
- Low humidity level causes dehydration;
- Risk of acoustic trauma because of sudden changes of pressure;
- Exposure to rising radiation levels;
- Effects on immune systems because passengers are exposed to germs, bacteria, and viruses;
- Frequent business travel by plane can lead to rapid aging. Chronic jet lag disrupts gene expression, resulting in faster aging.
Mental health
The survey conducted by YouGov and NexTravel showed that business travel negatively affected the mental health of 22% of respondents. Moreover, 21% were stressed even just thinking about the upcoming trip. Employees come across a range of stress triggers related to business trips. Here you can see the most common ones:
Source: MetLife and AXA Study
And it is only part of the full list. Just imagine the level of stress the employees have before, during, and even after the business travel!Worries and fear of flights are not the only negative effects. The study by MetLife and AXA found that numerous factors related to regular business trips can cause severe mental health problems. What are these issues?Some people are so afraid of flights that they pray to stay alive every time the plane takes off.
- Loneliness and isolation. Business travel can be long-term, so employees stay far from their friends, family, and relatives for a long period.
- The guilt of leaving family members for long. It’s hard to cope with this feeling anyway.
- Mood swings caused by a disruption of circadian rhythms and chronic jet lag.
- Excessive level of stress. First, a person feels stressed while preparing for a trip. Then, stress arises because of adapting to a new place. And at the same time, the employee must stay productive to handle the workload when traveling! Finally, the worker is under stress on the road back home, resulting in fatigue after the business travel is over.
Flying too often can lead to business travel burnout, stress, anxiety, and numerous health issues.
The impact business travel has on employee productivity can be both positive and negative. Some employees claim they feel inspired and full of energy after working abroad. But what if the worker has to travel for business purposes too often? Considering all the negative aspects of frequent flights, it becomes clear that staying productive when you are less concentrated because of excessive stress, lack of sleep, personal matters, worries about the trip, and feeling unwell is impossible.Questionnaire
We prepared a short questionnaire for your employees to understand the impact of business travel and find out their most challenging experiences during the journey. issues.What are your stress triggers?
Please scale from 1 to 5 the main stressors you may face during your recent business travel, where 1—not at all stressful, 2—mildly stressful, 3—neutral, 4—very stressful, and 5—extremely stressful.- Lost/delayed Baggage;
- Flying economy class;
- Bad Internet connection;
- Last-minute requested trip;
- Different time zones;
- Delays;
- Length of the journey;
- Traveling during weekends;
- Lack of sleep;
- Workload;
- Problems with booking a hotel;
- Language barriers and miscommunication;
- Lack of security during the business trip.
How to reduce the harmful impact?
Helping your employees travel easily, securely, and comfortably is a step towards maximizing the benefits of business travel. The statistics show that traveling with a corporate program or policy decreases stress and makes employees feel confident and prepared.
Source: MetLife and AXA Study
What can you do?Helping your employees travel easily, securely, and comfortably is a step towards maximizing the benefits of business travel.
- Ask your employees how you can improve their travel experience. It will work for understanding the business travelers' needs better;
- Develop and implement a corporate travel policy. If business travel is commonplace for your company, then it’s better to consider all factors to enhance the experience and, as a result, the productivity of your employees when they are on a business trip;
- Create a wellness program. Raising awareness of work-life balance while traveling will help them stay productive and meet the company’s expectations. Also, additional days off to recover after business travel are crucial for maintaining employee wellness;
- Manage travel risks. Business travel accident insurance and travel risk training are necessary to prevent outcomes of travel-related issues.
Measure productivity with WorkTime
Tracking employee effectiveness is vital, considering the impact business travel has on employee productivity. This way, you will detect whether your workers are overwhelmed with their business travel responsibilities or there is a problem with their performance. Your employees can also access their statistics. Analyzing their work style is essential for discovering ways to stay productive during business travel. WorkTime employee monitoring software helps to: 1. Monitoremployee overtime. If your workers do not cope with tasks and often overwork, it can be a sign of ineffective management. This way, they won’t have enough time to rest, resulting in a loss of productivity;