Employee Leaderboard report for team engagement

Recognize your employees' efforts and successes with Leaderboard reports

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Engage your team with WorkTime leaderboards!

Company leaderboard

Observe the performance of every department

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Department leaderboard

Observe the performance of the selected department. Here is an example screenshot of the Customer Service department’s performance:

Individual leaderboards: attendance, active time, productivity, distraction score

You can use individual leaderboards dedicated to

productivity, active time, attendance, or distraction score.

More about WorkTime

Its the only non-invasive, socially responsible Green employee monitoring on the market!

Recognize the best department or the best employee

Using WorkTime Leaderboards, you can recognize the best performer among departments or employees. Here is a sample report:
WorkTime. Employee engagement and monitoring

Engage your team with WorkTime Leaderboards

  • Keep it on the company’s wall
  • Employees perform the best when they are informed about the goals and the progress.
  • Setup scheduled emails
  • Schedule to send leaderboard reports to the department managers or to employees. You can set it up to email weekly, for example.

Engage employees for improved attendance & active time It's instant!

High attendance, good active time, high employee productivity — everything is going well in your team with WorkTime!

WorkTime is for great productivity, attendance & active time

Just another success by a WorkTime customer

UK bank, 170 employees


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What is a leaderboard?

An employee leaderboard within a company is a dynamic tool used to track and showcase employee performance based on various metrics. WorkTime offers a comprehensive team leaderboard feature that leverages data from employees' computer activity. By analyzing metrics such as productivity, attendance, active time, and distraction scores, WorkTime generates detailed leaderboards for employees. A leaderboard provides valuable insights into employee performance, enabling you to identify top performers, recognize achievements, and pinpoint areas for improvement. You can navigate the team leaderboard menu to view performance rankings across departments and employees. With the WorkTime leaderboard feature, you can foster transparency, healthy competition, and continuous team improvement. The WorkTime employee leaderboard feature can help you analyze and optimize employee performance. With the ability to view custom team leaderboards tailored to the organization's needs, you can get insights into your team's productivity, attendance, active time, and distraction scores. By simply accessing your WorkTime account, you can view these metrics and track individual, departmental, and company-wide performance.

How to use the WorkTime employee leaderboard?

Let's explore the versatility of a department leaderboard and a distraction score leaderboard through employee leaderboard examples. Picture a scenario where a company implements department leaderboards to track key performance indicators across different departments, such as sales, marketing, and customer service. These employee leaderboards enable department heads to monitor metrics like active time, attendance, and productivity in real-time, facilitating informed decision-making and strategic planning within a team. In another employee leaderboard example, consider a workplace where a distraction score leaderboard is introduced to monitor employee focus and productivity. This employee leaderboard measures factors such as time spent on non-work-related websites or applications, interruptions during work hours, and overall focus levels. By visualizing distraction scores on an employee leaderboard, you can identify patterns of distraction, provide targeted support or training where needed, and implement strategies to improve overall productivity and concentration levels across the organization. These employee leaderboard examples highlight the diverse applications of department and distraction score leaderboards in driving performance, enhancing transparency, and fostering a culture of accountability and continuous improvement within organizations. Ready to harness the power of your leaderboard? Explore your leaderboard feature today and unlock new possibilities for success in your workplace. Try WorkTime free for 14 days to take advantage of non-invasive employee monitoring right now!

Engage your team with a WorkTime leaderboard

What are the benefits of using WorkTime leaderboards?
  • Scheduled emails for weekly updates to keep the team updated on their performance;
  • Full-screen option for the leaderboard to display it on the office wall and keep your team engaged;
  • A productivity, attendance, and active time leaderboard for informing the team about their goal and current performance progress;
  • A non-invasive approach to employee ranking. Green employee monitoring makes it easy to stay transparent and share leaderboard reports openly with workers.
Using the results of monitoring and team leaderboard reports can change how you approach employee engagement and performance management. By using these insights, you can identify trends, recognize top performers, and address areas for improvement effectively. Monitoring data provides valuable metrics on productivity, attendance, and active time, while the team leaderboard offers a visual representation of individual and team achievements. With this information at their fingertips, you can tailor feedback, set realistic goals, and provide targeted support to drive performance. Furthermore, the competitive aspect of the team leaderboard can foster healthy competition, motivating employees to strive for excellence and enhancing overall team dynamics. By harnessing the power of monitoring and an employee leaderboard, you can optimize productivity and achieve long-term success in today's competitive landscape.

What are the main features of an employee leaderboard report?

Choose WorkTime leaderboards for different purposes:
  • Monitor employee productivity and use a productivity leaderboard to inform your workers about their progress;
  • Track employee attendance and get valuable insights about workers' punctuality. Recognize the best employees with an attendance leaderboard;
  • Set goals and monitor active time progress. Keep your team motivated to improve activity ranking with an active time leaderboard;
  • Reduce workplace distraction with WorkTime monitoring and engage employees to stay focused with a distraction score leaderboard.
Moreover, you can use a company leaderboard to display the achievements of every department or a department leaderboard to recognize every employee’s accomplishments within a specific department.

Why use a WorkTime team leaderboard?


It’s easy to stay transparent with non-invasive employee monitoring. WorkTime green monitoring technology is designed to track employee performance without invading their privacy. Our software is an alternative to traditional “invasive” monitoring methods, like a screenshot or keystroke recording. Instead, WorkTime analyzes performance in numbers and provides comprehensive reports without tracking private information. Monitor productivity and get an HR leaderboard in a non-invasive manner to motivate the team.

Comprehensive performance review

With WorkTime's advanced analytics, you can conduct thorough performance reviews effortlessly. Our system analyzes employee performance against set goals and offers actionable advice via the employee leaderboard. Whether it's encouragement to keep up the good work or guidance on areas for improvement, WorkTime helps you steer your team towards success.

Recognition and rewards

Recognize and reward top performers on the leaderboard and boost employee productivity with WorkTime scoreboards. HR managers can use the information from leaderboard reports to keep up with highly performing employees and find out the best ways to reward them. Such variants as extra time off, shoutouts in team meetings, or gift cards can be a good way to motivate top performers

Effective management

With the WorkTime employee leaderboard feature, you can unlock insights into your team's performance, foster a culture of continuous improvement, and drive success across the organization. Keep informed about employee performance and take action when something goes wrong. Request a personalized demo to learn more about WorkTime leaderboard reports and other monitoring features right now! WorkTime streamlines team leaderboard management, allowing you to maximize efficiency in the organization. Schedule employee leaderboard reports to receive them weekly, ensuring you stay informed of your team's progress. Additionally, our platform enables you to export and send reports directly to department heads or distribute personalized reports to individual managers or employees.


Gamification is a working strategy to boost productivity within an organization. The WorkTime leaderboard feature can be an effective element of workplace gamification. Encourage friendly competition among team members and motivate employees to improve their performance.

Feedback and improvement

Using the leaderboard data is significant in providing constructive feedback to team members. This WorkTime feature will be helpful for regular check-ins to discuss progress. Set goals and offer support to those who may be falling behind. During the meetings, managers can set goals and monitor progress. With leaderboard reports, both managers and employees will always be informed about department/company goals and team performance progress.

Team collaboration

Whether it's a productivity leaderboard, attendance, active time, or distraction score leaderboard, WorkTime provides customizable options to suit your needs. Encourage team collaboration with a WorkTime team leaderboard. This report can be effectively implemented to encourage the team to cooperate and achieve performance goals together in a supportive environment.

Take advantage of gamification with a WorkTime team leaderboard

According to statistics, 89% of US employees believe workplace gamification will significantly boost their productivity. Another research showed that implementing gamification training features resulted in a 60% increase in employee engagement. But how exactly does gamification achieve these impressive results? By incorporating elements of game design and mechanics into everyday tasks, gamification transforms routine activities into engaging challenges. This not only motivates employees to perform better but also fosters a sense of camaraderie and collaboration among team members. Additionally, gamification provides instant feedback and rewards for accomplishments, reinforcing positive behaviors and encouraging continuous improvement. In essence, gamification injects excitement and energy into the workplace, turning mundane tasks into opportunities for creativity and collaboration. By leveraging gamification principles, organizations can cultivate a culture of teamwork, productivity, and employee satisfaction, ultimately driving success in today's dynamic business landscape. Discover high effectiveness with employee leaderboard examples through real-life reports and see how they can elevate performance in the company. Your leaderboard provides actionable insights, fosters accountability, and drives continuous improvement across teams.


What is a leaderboard?

An employee leaderboard displays a ranking of workers and their performance metrics. It is a visual representation of the monitoring results, showing the best performers in the team, department, or company. A ranking leaderboard is used for different goals, but mainly for motivating a team.

What is employee leaderboard report example?

WorkTime company leaderboard is one of the employee leaderboard report examples. It displays the achievements of every department based on the key metrics. With this report, it is possible to compare how different departments perform and engage other departments to improve their productivity, attendance, and active time.

What is leaderboard in a company?

In the company, a leaderboard can be used to display the ranking of the departments. By HR, leaderboards can be applied to investigate the best performers in each department to recognize their achievements. Implement a WorkTime leaderboard feature to keep your workers informed about their performance.

What is the purpose of a leaderboard?

Scoreboards can be used for various purposes. First of all, the leaderboard displays the employees' accomplishments within a team, department, or company. With the help of a leaderboard, you can recognize the workers with the highest performance and show that their contribution is valued.

What are the benefits of the leaderboard?

Employee engagement is the primary benefit of the ranking leaderboard. When employees are informed about the organization’s goals and their own performance, they tend to perform better. Set goals, observe the progress, and motivate your workers with the WorkTime leaderboards feature.

What is gamification and examples?

Gamification is mainly about adding some engagement, fun, and interaction elements into the traditional work environment. WorkTime leaderboard reports are not just ranking solutions to monitor employee performance but can also be used as workplace gamification components.

Is gamification effective in the workplace?

The gamification leaderboard is effective because it boosts employee productivity through positive engagement. A leaderboard can be a tool for increasing team collaboration if it is used for recognizing collective achievements and fostering a supportive team environment.