Scheduled reports to keep you informed

Schedule any WorkTime report, receive it via email

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  • For Windows, macOS
  • Cloud, on-premise
  • For Teminal/Citrix server
  • From 1 to 15,000+ computers
  • From 20+ years productivity monitoring experts

Create a schedule and receive reports automatically

Receive scheduled reports daily, weekly, monthly, or annually!

With the WorkTime scheduled report feature, you can set up automatic report delivery according to a defined schedule and send them to a specified list of recipients.
Reports can be emailed in a CSV or a HTML format.

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/ employee / month billed monthly



/ employee / month billed monthly



/ employee / month billed monthly

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"Attendance summary" weekly report example


Many WorkTime customers receive the "Attendance summary" report on a daily or weekly basis to monitor their team's attendance for the previous day or week.


Begin using scheduled reports now!

Create scheduled reports and get performance reviews at a glance

Customize employee/department reports, filter the data, schedule, and send automatic reports easily with WorkTime. Just 5 quick steps are required to set up email reports:
  1. Choose an employee/department/all employees, required reports, and date;
  2. Add selected reports to the schedule (e.g., employee computer activity reports by email);
  3. Choose a desired format (HTML, CSV) for email reports or compress to ZIP;
  4. Choose the interval to schedule reports
    • Once
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
    • Manually
    • Advanced;

  5. Enter email and receive reports automatically.

How to benefit from WorkTIme scheduled reports?

Better management

WorkTime scheduled reports improve employee management, increasing its effectiveness from different facets. Look through this list of how WorkTime can contribute to a more productive and motivated team.
  1. Receive reports via email and observe employee progress. Set performance goals and trackc whether the team is achieving them;
  2. See the clear picture of your team/department's performance. Regular email productivity reports are useful for identifying potential issues and taking proactive steps;
  3. Automatically generate and send reports to find out what affects the team’s productivity. Detect the signs of burnout or other factors that can decrease employee performance;
  4. Receive reports via email and stay updated on employee engagement. Regular insights on employee productivity help identify areas of improvement and create personal performance improvement plans;
  5. Enhance communication with a weekly performance report email. Schedule automated reports and provide regular feedback on employee performance;
  6. Set up email reports to evaluate team attendance. Track employee attendance and catch a tendency for absenteeism on time, preventing numerous related issues;
  7. Use scheduled reports to evaluate probationary employees. Stay updated on the new hire’s productivity with weekly performance report emails and identify the areas for improvement or additional training;
  8. The WorkTime scheduled report feature can also be helpful for employee motivation. Receive computer activity emails or email productivity reports to notice team achievements. Recognize your workers for being top active/engaged/productive with our leaderboard reports.

Employee performance improvement

WorkTime scheduled reports are an effective tool for boosting employee productivity. Analyze regular reports and effortlessly detect the strengths and areas for improvement. Then, you can discuss the performance with your team/employee and provide an improvement plan. Moreover, share email reports with your workers. This will help them control their metrics and progress.

Non-invasive approach

Receive reports via email and share them with your team. WorkTime is transparent, so there are no invasive features to hide. You can easily introduce our non-invasive employee monitoring into your team and schedule automated reports for team members. Thanks to our green employee monitoring technology, workers' privacy is 100% protected. No personal content recording is needed to evaluate team performance. That’s why we offer a safe alternative to invasive screenshots and keystroke monitoring. WorkTime analyzes productivity metrics in numbers and sends scheduled reports.

Time-saving and convenience

It is hard for a manager to keep track of every employee. Some issues may remain unnoticed for a long time, resulting in poor outcomes for department productivity. Thanks to automated reports, a manager won’t spend much time searching for the necessary report for each employee/team/department. Automatically generate and send reports to emails: you will always have the most significant reports on hand.

Comprehensive reports on various metrics

WorkTime provides 60+ comprehensive reports. Receive scheduled reports and keep track of the most significant KPIs while evaluating employee/team/department performance. You can schedule automated reports for different performance metrics, including Receive scheduled reports with detailed team analysis just in a few clicks.


How do I automate a workday report?

Schedule and send automatic reports with WorkTime in just several simple steps. For example, select a computer activity report, desired format, and interval and receive scheduled computer activity emails to measure the performance of the employee/team/department.

What is a scheduling report?

A scheduled report is usually an automated email with an overview of selected employee performance metrics. It helps quickly evaluate the performance of a single employee or the whole department, detect potential issues, and address them immediately. Schedule any WorkTime reports and receive reports via email to stay updated on your employees' performance.

Is it normal for managers to ask employees report their daily activities?

Yes, because it helps to monitor employee progress, identify problems, assess productivity, and improve communication. Still, it works for small companies. If you manage a big enterprise or several departments, it will be hard to analyze every single report. Instead, you can try an effective alternative. Schedule reports with WorkTime and receive automated emails with the required performance metrics summary.

How do you write a weekly performance report?

Generally, a weekly performance report includes these points: a summary of activities, key achievements, challenges faced, metrics or KPIs, and goals for the next week. WorkTime scheduled reports can provide valuable insights into team performance and minimize time spent on preparing a performance report.

How to write an employee performance report?

The employee performance report involves several sections, including a performance summary, strengths, areas for improvement, goals and development plan, and overall assessment. Receive reports automatically with WorkTime to complete a performance report, providing an overview of key employee metrics and other valuable information in numbers and statistics.

What is automated report generation?

Automated reports can be generated by a monitoring system or tracking software. WorkTime offers a scheduled report feature to keep track of the most critical KPIs. For example, receive employee computer activity reports by email and analyze the productivity and active time of your team.