Employee monitoring for outsourcing agencies

Monitor outsourced teams and maintain high employee performance.

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  • For Windows, macOS
  • Cloud, on-premise
  • For Terminal/Citrix server
  • From 1 to 15,000+ computers
  • 25+ years in employee monitoring
  • Office, remote, hybrid

Monitor outsourced teams with WorkTime

Monitor active and idle time of outsourced teams

WorkTime active time monitoring for outsourced agencies

Track active/idle time for the entire outsourced team, departments, or individual employees.
Track active time progress.
Use active time leaderboards to engage outsourced employees.

WorkTime is non-invasive, socially responsible monitoring for outsourcing agencies. It tracks employee performance without capturing any content (what's recorded).

WorkTime is Green monitoring software for outsourcing agencies, the only non-invasive monitoring on the market.

HIPAA compatible

GDPR compatible

GDPR compatible

Ensure employee productivity in outsourced teams

WorkTime employee monitoring for outsourced agencies

Monitor if employees are spending their working hours on productive activities.

Monitor outsourced employees across different locations

WorkTime outsourced employee productivity monitoring

WorkTime monitors outsourced teams across different locations (offices).

Success story


Rescue medical services



Medical service saves $7,500 per employee annually!

Canadian Rescue Medical Service saved big with WorkTime. By using monitoring software company identified remote worker overcharges, optimized productivity, and achieved significant cost savings.

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per employee saved

WorkTime. Secure monitoring software for healthcare companies

More features for outsourced offices

WorkTime offers over 60 reports to monitor outsourced employee performance

WorkTime offers more features to monitor outsourced teams

WorkTime offers over 60 reports to monitor outsourced teams and maintain high employee performance.

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What’s outsourcing?

Outsourcing involves delegating certain tasks, processes, or operations of a business to external outsourcing agencies or outsourced employees. This strategic practice enables companies to focus on core activities while leveraging specialized expertise, cost advantages, and increased flexibility. An example of outsourcing is when a company hires an external accounting firm or outsourcing employees to handle its payroll processing and financial reporting tasks. The role of an outsourcing agency or outsourcing employees is pivotal in this arrangement. These outsourcing agencies act as intermediaries, connecting businesses with external service providers who possess the necessary skills and resources to fulfill the outsourced tasks efficiently. Outsourced teams facilitate the entire outsourcing process, from identifying suitable service providers to negotiating contracts and ensuring smooth collaboration. Additionally, outsourcing agencies and outsourcing employees often provide ongoing management and oversight to ensure that the outsourced tasks are completed satisfactorily and in alignment with the client's objectives. Ultimately, outsourcing agencies and outsourced teams play a crucial role in enabling businesses to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and achieve their strategic goals.

When to outsource?

Knowing when to use outsourcing agencies or outsourcing employees depends on various factors, including the specific needs and circumstances of your business. One of the most impactful advantages of using an outsourcing agency or outsourced teams is the opportunity to assign non-core business processes, which can encompass various activities from administrative tasks, software development, marketing, HR functions, customer service, quality assurance, and financial services to mobile and web development. The help of outsourcing agencies and outsourcing employees is an effective way to delegate tasks and save money and time for the company. But how to monitor outsourced services and outsourcing employees? To effectively spend money on outsourcing agencies it is important to monitor the work of outsourcing employees and get real results. It’s very easy to do with employee monitoring. Here are tips on how to start using outsourcing agencies or individual outsourcing employees:

Define clear objectives

Establish clear objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) for the outsourced services or outsourced employees. This could include metrics related to productivity, quality, timeliness, and compliance. With employee monitoring like WorkTime, you can set goals for your outsourced employees for their attendance and productivity and monitor their results.

Select appropriate tools

Choose a robust employee monitoring software or platform that allows you to track relevant metrics and activities of your outsourced employees. Look for features such as time tracking, productivity analysis, and active and idle time monitoring. Choose employee monitoring with an easy setup process and suitable for remote employee monitoring. Opt for non-invasive monitoring like WorkTime to guarantee transparency and trust during the monitoring process of outsourcing agencies.

Implement monitoring protocols

Implement monitoring protocols and guidelines that outline the expectations for the outsourced service providers and outsourced employees. Communicate these protocols to the outsourcing agency involved to ensure transparency and alignment.

Monitor performance regularly

Continuously monitor the performance of the outsourced services using the selected employee monitoring tools. Track metrics such as active time, attendance, and productivity.

Analyze data and metrics

Analyze the collected data and metrics to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement of your outsourced employees. Use this information to make informed decisions and adjustments to optimize the outsourced services.

Provide feedback and support

Provide regular feedback to the outsourced service providers based on the monitoring results. Recognize achievements and address any performance issues or concerns promptly.

Review and adjust strategies

Regularly review the effectiveness of the monitoring process and make adjustments as needed. Continuously refine monitoring protocols, tools, and strategies to ensure optimal performance of outsourcing agency and alignment with business goals. By following these steps and analyzing outsourcing examples, you can effectively monitor outsourced services using employee monitoring techniques, ensuring accountability, transparency, and success in their outsourcing endeavors.

How to work in outsourcing?

Working with outsourced teams involves these key steps:
  • Identify tasks to outsource.
  • Find a suitable outsourcing agency.
  • Define scope and requirements.
  • Negotiate terms and contracts with an outsourcing agency..
  • Provide training and resources.
  • Establish communication channels.
  • Monitor the performance of an outsourcing agency.
  • Provide feedback and support.
  • Review and adjust regularly.

What type of work can you delegate and monitor?

What is an example of outsourcing? You can delegate to an outsourcing agency and monitor work in various spheres or industries. By learning how to outsource it and how to monitor it, you can save your company valuable time and money. One outsourcing example is when a company contracts a third-party logistics outsourcing agency to handle its warehousing and distribution operations. Another outsourcing example involves a business hiring an external marketing outsourcing agency to manage its social media campaigns and online advertising efforts. Other examples of outsourcing companies and fields:

1. Customer service

Outsourcing customer support services to an outsourcing agency is a great way to ensure quality and efficiency. By monitoring the active time of outsourced employees you can guarantee a great service to your clients.

2. Human resources

Delegating HR tasks such as payroll processing, recruitment, and employee onboarding to an outsourcing agency is a common practice and can greatly benefit your business.

3. Sales and marketing

Outsourcing sales efforts, lead generation, social media marketing, and advertising campaigns are easy to delegate to professional teams and an outsourcing agency. While monitoring their performance metrics you can get great professional results.

4. IT

IT outsourcing examples: delegating software development, IT support, cybersecurity, and network management.

5. Accounting and finance

Outsourcing accounting functions such as bookkeeping, financial reporting, tax preparation, and auditing is a great way to save you time and guarantee financial stability.

6. Outsourcing data entry

That involves outsourcing agencies to monitor, collect, and enter data for various businesses allowing them to focus on their main field.

7. Content creation

Outsourcing content writing, graphic design, video production, and other creative tasks is a great way to focus on marketing and let the professionals do the creative part.

8. Research and analysis

Delegating market research, data analysis, and strategic planning tasks to an outsourcing agency. These are just a few examples of outsourcing, but essentially, any task or process that can be standardized, documented, and performed remotely can be delegated to an outsourcing agency and monitored effectively. Among the most common successful outsourcing examples is outsourcing data entry.

Which is the best example of outsourcing?

The most common examples of outsourcing are data entry outsourcing and data processing outsourcing. Data entry outsourcing is the practice of delegating data entry tasks to external service providers or outsourcing agencies. This example of data entry outsourcing typically involves entering, updating, and managing various types of data in digital systems or databases. The benefits of data entry outsourcing include 1. Cost savings. Outsourcing data entry tasks to an outsourcing agency can be more cost-effective than hiring and training in-house staff, especially for businesses with fluctuating or seasonal data entry needs. 2. Time efficiency. By outsourcing data entry, businesses can free up internal resources and focus on core activities, leading to improved productivity and efficiency. 3. Quality and accuracy. Professional data entry outsourcing service providers often have specialized expertise and experience, resulting in higher accuracy and quality of data entry work. 4. Scalability. Data entry outsourcing services allow businesses to easily scale up or down their data entry operations based on fluctuating demand, without the need for additional hiring or training. 5. Access to technology. Data entry outsourcing company often uses advanced technology and tools to streamline processes and improve efficiency, providing businesses with access to the latest innovations without the need for significant investments. 6. Focus on core competencies. Outsourcing data entry tasks enables businesses to focus on their core competencies and strategic initiatives while leaving repetitive and time-consuming tasks to outsourced data entry services. Yes, data entry outsourcing work can be monitored. With this outsource example monitoring methods mainly include time tracking. Monitoring the time spent on data entry tasks to ensure productivity and efficiency. Data entry outsourcing offers several benefits for businesses looking to streamline their operations and focus on core activities. With appropriate monitoring mechanisms in place, businesses can ensure the quality and effectiveness of outsourced data entry work done by an outsourcing agency.. Outsource trends indicate a growing reliance on remote workforces and an outsourcing agency, while the latest outsource trend shows an increased demand for specialized freelancers in digital marketing. Among the other outsourcing trends are outsourced contact center and call centers. Outsourcing call centers has become a prominent outsourcing trend in modern business operations, driven by several factors including cost-effectiveness, scalability, and access to specialized expertise. Many companies across various industries have embraced outsourcing call center services to enhance customer support. Outsourcing customer support to a call center, which is an example of outsourcing, allows businesses to efficiently handle customer inquiries while focusing on core operations. Companies that outsource call centers are saving time and money, with employee monitoring also guaranteeing the most productive outcome. Best outsourcing companies offer businesses the flexibility to delegate entire departments or specific tasks to external companies or online outsourcing professionals, regardless of geographical location. Whether it's outsourcing online a customer service department to a call center in another country or hiring freelance professionals for social media monitoring outsourcing or software development, the possibilities are endless. You can reach the best outsource experience with the help of other tools. With the aid of employee monitoring software, you can track the progress and productivity of outsourced teams or individuals from anywhere in the world, ensuring accountability and efficiency. You can even outsource monitoring services or outsource network monitoring. This approach not only allows you to access a global talent pool and scale operations as needed but also enables you to focus on core activities and strategic initiatives while leaving non-core tasks to external experts or an outsourcing agency.