HIPAA, GDPR EU & UK, PIPEDIA, POPIA. AES-256 encryption.

WorkTime is safe & reliable employee monitoring service

  • For Windows, macOS
  • Cloud, on-premise
  • For Terminal/Citrix server
  • From 1 to 15,000+ computers
  • From 20+ years productivity monitoring experts
  • Office, remote, hybrid

Safe & reliable

HIPAA compatible: PHI-safe mode

WorkTime employee monitoring does not record any personal information, any content, or passwords. It does not involve any PHI (What is recorded, what is not recorded). To prevent any potential indirect collection of PHI, WorkTime offers a PHI-safe mode.

GDPR compatible: GDPR-safe mode

WorkTime is socially responsible monitoring that does not infringe on employee privacy. It offers on-premise installation.

High data safety standards

Data safety is an important aspect of employee monitoring, and WorkTime employee monitoring software adheres to the highest data safety standards. WorkTime effectively serves industries such as health care, finance, government, defense, and security, among others. WorkTime uses AES-256 encryption. AES-256 is the most secure protocol - data cannot be encrypted unless the code is known.


The use of a multi-tier system design to ensure stress and failure resistance. It is guaranteed that your monitoring data will not be lost, and the monitoring process will run smoothly. WorkTime has been successfully applied in the offices with 1-15,000+ employees and 1-300+ Citrix servers.

WorkTime. Privacy & safety features

HIPAA exemption statement

WorkTime HIPAA employee monitoring

WorkTime does not process, store, or transmit any Protected Health Information (PHI)

WorkTime does not process, store, or transmit any Protected Health Information (PHI). As a result, WorkTime is not subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations. WorkTime software is designed for employee productivity monitoring and does not access, collect, or interfere with patient data or healthcare records.

WorkTime is HIPAA-exempt because:
✔ It does not collect or store PHI in any form.
✔ It does not access Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems or any patient-related data.
✔ It does not require a Business Associate Agreement (BAA), as it does not function as a Business Associate under HIPAA.
✔ It focuses solely on employee productivity metrics, without monitoring sensitive medical information.

No content monitoring | No clipboard monitoring | No keystrokes monitoring | No screen capturing

PHI-safe mode

PHI-safe mode to prevent any potential indirect collection of PHI

WorkTime offers a PHI-safe mode to prevent any potential indirect collection of PHI. This mode is designed to disable settings that might collect PHI, such as URLs, window titles, subdomains, and URL parameters. While most healthcare systems follow best practices to avoid passing PHI through such data, WorkTime provides this additional safety feature to ensure that no PHI is collected, even indirectly.

PHI-safe mode: features

GDPR-safe mode

WorkTime employee monitoring GDPR

WorkTime offers a GDPR-safe mode to ensure compliance with GDPR EU & UK, PIPEDIA, POPIA

WorkTime offers a GDPR-safe mode to ensure full compliance with GDPR regulations.
The GDPR-safe mode includes a range of features and settings, such as:
Automatic employee monitoring notice – informs employees before monitoring begins
Data encryption – ensures all data is securely protected
Automatic data deletion – removes data after a specified retention period
PHI-safe mode – prevents any potential indirect collection of PHI
And more – additional features that enhance privacy and ensure compliance

Try now 14 days free

About WorkTime customers from the industries such as:

WorkTime - Green employee monitoring software

WorkTime is a Green employee monitoring software, perfectly suited for monitoring both remote and in-office teams—without invading privacy.

No private employee information collected! Read more about green features



Safe employee monitoring for any country & industry

We do not record content

Because it is an invasive privacy breaker and not only

  • We do not capture screenshots
  • We do not record keystrokes
  • We do not monitor social media and chats content
  • We do not monitor documents and emails content
  • What is NOT recorded

We provide numbers

Effective & safe employee productivity monitoring

  • We offer non-invasive screen analysis
  • We count keystroke speed
  • We monitor time in social media and in chats
  • We monitor apps and websites usage
  • What is recorded

Safe screenshot replacement WorkTime green

WorkTime is green socially responsible employee monitoring.

Screen productivity report is not only non-invasive but is more effective than the regular screenshots!

Read more about green features Try now 14 days free

Improve employee productivity, attendance, active time without privacy invasion WorkTime green

WorkTime is Green employee monitoring software, it is non-invasive. Monitor without going too far! Read more about green features