Computer monitoring software

User activity monitoring (UAM) for maximum work performance

Try now 14 days free
  • In-office, hybrid, remote
  • For Windows, macOS
  • Cloud, on-premise
  • For Terminal/Citrix server
  • For 1-20,000+ computers
  • 25+ years on the market

Monitor user activities on company's computers

  • Computer active and idle time
  • Total time on each computer
  • Login/logout & other system events
  • App/doc usage
  • Websites/URLs usage
  • And more

Non-invasive computer monitoring

WorkTime is non-invasive, socially responsible user activities monitoring. It supports workplace health.

WorkTime is Green UAM software is the only non-invasive monitoring on the market. All invasive functions are replaced by safe, non-invasive alternatives.

HIPAA compatible

GDPR compatible

Safe for any country & industry

Monitor computer active and idle time

WorkTime monitors when computers are in use and when they are idle.

WorkTime. Computer active time monitoring
WorkTime. Computer active time monitoring

Track user activities, such as computer login, logout times & other events

WorkTime monitors user activities on company computers, including login/logout times and other system events.

Monitor applications and documents usage

Monitor more user activities

WorkTime monitors user activities such as application and document usage.

WorkTime computer documents use monitoring.

More user activity monitoring features (UAM)

Success story





Instant increase in active time!

This UK bank managed to increase their remote employees' active time by 46% in just 3 days! WorkTime functions and it's transparent approach made it smooth and effective.

Read more

Excellent boost!

WorkTime. Idle time monitoring

Keep your employees productive & computers use work-related

WorkTime categorizes all apps and websites as either productive or unproductive, and estimates employee productivity based on the apps and websites used.

Legal and ethical considerations of computer usage monitoring

Our computer monitoring experts outlined the key legal aspects of employee computer monitoring in different countries, including the US, UK, European Union, and Australia. Check our blog for more information. Through user activity monitoring (UAM) and the maintenance of comprehensive records, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding sensitive data and adhering to industry-specific regulations. For instance, in the healthcare sector, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) necessitates stringent safeguards for patient data. User activity monitoring aids healthcare providers in meticulously tracking access to electronic health records, ensuring that only authorized personnel can monitor personal computers and access this confidential information.

How far can you go with employee activity monitoring?

Even if it is legal in many countries to monitor employee computer activity without notification, it will be beneficial for companies to maintain a balance between employee computer monitoring and respecting employee privacy. When computer monitoring is conducted transparently and in a non-intrusive manner, it maintains a positive and loyal work environment. In this case, the following requirements should be followed: Employees should be informed about computer monitoring policies that conform to legal and ethical standards; Employers utilize the data acquired through computer monitoring tools for legitimate purposes, such as enhancing productivity, security, and compliance; User activity monitoring (UAM) data should not be exploited for unjust or unethical purposes, such as harassment or discrimination. Various industries are governed by stringent regulatory requirements concerning data privacy and security. Employee monitoring software and computer use monitoring assist organizations in ensuring compliance with these regulations.

Pros of computer monitoring

1. Cost savings.

User activity monitoring can be applied for cost savings in multiple ways. By identifying underutilized software licenses, organizations can curtail unnecessary expenses. Similarly, monitoring internet usage can assist organizations in optimizing their bandwidth, leading to cost reductions associated with excessive data consumption. User activity monitoring software can also help identify underperforming employees, guiding organizations in making informed decisions about personnel. This may result in the elimination of redundant roles or the more efficient allocation of resources and computer activity monitor.

2. Security guarantee.

User activity monitoring plays a pivotal role in upholding the security of an organization's digital assets. By tracking user activity, organizations can detect and respond swiftly to potential security threats. This encompasses identifying suspicious login attempts, unauthorized access, and potential data breaches. Moreover, user activity monitoring software contributes to the prevention of data leaks and insider threats. By monitoring file transfers and email communications, organizations can proactively identify any unauthorized sharing of sensitive information and take immediate steps to mitigate risks.

3. Effective time management.

Employee monitoring software and user activity monitoring are allies in fostering proficient time management. By offering detailed insights into employees' work habits, activity tracking software tools enable employees to refine their time utilization. This leads to reduced procrastination and more consistent adherence to deadlines. For instance, when an employee identifies that a significant portion of their workday is spent on non-work-related websites or applications, they can make conscious efforts to minimize distractions and allocate more time to core responsibilities. Website tracking can make the work process more efficient.

4. Employee training and development.

User activity monitoring software serves as an invaluable tool for employee training and development. By identifying areas where employees may encounter challenges or require additional support, organizations can tailor training programs to address specific needs. This personalized approach to professional development leads to a more skilled and capable workforce. User activity monitoring is instrumental in identifying which software tools or applications employees struggle with the most. This information guides organizations in providing additional training or resources to help employees become more proficient in their roles. PC monitoring software and laptop monitoring solutions provide comprehensive oversight of computer activities, offering valuable insights into user behavior, security, and productivity.

How can you benefit from WorkTime computer monitoring?

Monitor computer activity of your team in real-time with WorkTime advanced user web activity monitoring software (UAM software) tools. Gain instant visibility into active applications, websites, and tasks, ensuring efficient resource allocation. Make informed decisions with computer monitoring, prevent distractions, and foster a focused work environment by staying up-to-date with the real-time activity monitoring insights provided by our platform. Elevate productivity levels with WorkTime activity tracking software. Gain a deeper understanding of individual and team performance through web usage reporting and monitoring tasks, projects, and app usage. Identify strengths, address challenges, and fine-tune strategies for better outcomes with effective computer monitoring. Enhance employee performance through WorkTime performance optimization UAM solutions. Pinpoint areas for growth by analyzing user activity reports to identify strengths and address weaknesses. With personalized real-time activity monitoring, workflow goal tracking, and performance benchmarks, you can create tailored strategies for skill development and professional growth. Elevate motivation, engagement, and results within your team using WorkTime UAM tools designed to drive continuous improvement in employee performance.

Why WorkTime is the best computer monitoring software

Non-invasive computer monitoring

WorkTime adheres to a green monitoring approach to employee computer monitoring. No screenshots or sensitive information recording is required to track productivity effectively. WorkTime offers an alternative to invasive monitoring tools like screenshots or keystrokes. Instead, the web usage monitoring software analyzes productivity in numbers and provides useful statistics. This way, the employee’s privacy is 100% protected.

Instant productivity increase

Can you imagine an instant productivity increase from 40% to 95%? Surprisingly, right? But it is real with WorkTime! It is a result of WorkTime implementation in our Client’s telecommunication company. Read more about this remarkable case here.

60+ detailed reports

Monitor computer activity and get comprehensive reports on: WorkTime provides computer monitoring for macOS and Windows, making the reports compatible with both systems.

Real-time activity monitoring

The “What’s going on?” report monitors what apps and websites are currently on the screen and shows:
  • Current employee’s status;
  • Duration since the employee was last active;
  • Productivity, active time, and attendance goals;
  • Active time per hour;
  • Active timeline;
  • Arrival time;
  • Employee's current IP address.

Remote vs. in-office laptop monitoring

WorkTime detects employee location based on IP address and compares productivity across all locations (remote, in-office, from home). So you can easily analyze monitoring internet activity, attendance, productivity, and active time reports no matter where your employee is located.


What is user activity monitoring?

Computer monitoring refers to the systematic observation and tracking of activities on computers or computer networks. It involves recording and analyzing user interactions, application usage, internet browsing, and other digital behaviors.

How to monitor computer activity?

Computer monitoring software captures computer-related actions, including software usage, internet activity, document access, and additional activities. This software can also track usage across various systems, like Windows and Mac computers, Citrix and Terminal servers, laptops, and desktops.

How to monitor computer usage?

Employee computer monitoring software generates productivity reports for employees. These monitoring reports offer an accurate depiction of employees' computer usage patterns. The software calculates employee productivity levels using various metrics it records.

Can employers monitor computer usage?

Yes, computer employee monitoring software is developed to oversee employees, whether they are working in the office, from home, or in remote locations. User activity monitoring (UAM) software remains effective in tracking employees' computer activities regardless of whether they are utilizing a company desktop computer, a laptop, or engaging in a remote desktop session.

How to track computer activity?

Computer monitoring software automatically tracks software applications and websites accessed on a company's computers. With computer monitoring features, it categorizes these activities into productive or unproductive segments.