Employee login monitoring software

Track user login and logout with WorkTime!

Try now 14 days free
  • In-office, hybrid, remote
  • For Windows, macOS
  • Cloud, on-premise
  • For Terminal/Citrix server
  • For 1-20,000+ computers
  • 25+ years on the market

Track employee login and logout

How to check system login and logout time?

Simply load the Login/logout report in WorkTime and filter it by date, employee, computer, or department. You can also sort the reports and export them to HTML or CSV formats.
Try now 14 days free

Login/logout monitoring for attendance and timesheet reports

WorkTime applies login/logout monitoring to generate attendance reports. Additionally, when shared with employees, login/logout reports assist them in creating more accurate timesheets.

Success story





Slide card manipulation stopped, attendance improved

Checking in does not imply attendance. Employees at this Spanish bank manipulated the check-in card system. Instead of physically coming to work, they would pass their cards to coworkers to swipe for them. The bank used WorkTime login-logout reports to verify employee check-ins.

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Attendance improved!
WorkTime. Instant attendance improvement

Non-invasive login/logout monitoring

WorkTime is non-invasive, socially responsible login/logout monitoring. It does not capture any content.

WorkTime is Green login/logout monitoring software, the only non-invasive monitoring on the market.

HIPAA compatible

GDPR compatible

GDPR compatible

Login/logout events for overtime monitoring

WorkTime uses login and logout monitoring to monitor employee overtime

On the company's computers, monitor employee logins and logouts as well as active time during lunch time, before and after hours, and on weekends.

WorkTime. Employee active time monitoring

Use login/logout monitoring to boost employee productivity

As per feedback from WorkTime customers, employee productivity doubles when employees are aware about monitoring in place, and it increases even more if they have access to reports.

Success story





Team performance more than doubled!

This South African telecommunication company successfully utilized WorkTime to more than double its team performance. They significantly enhanced attendance from 36% to over 105%, active time from 39% to more than 97%, and productivity from 40% to over 95%.

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Productivity from 40% to 95%!

WorkTime login logout monitoring


WorkTime offers a cloud-based solution for login/logout monitoring. WorkTime reports can be accessed from your browser.


Also, WorkTime offers an on-premise setup, when WorkTime components are located on your servers/computers.

Begin monitoring employee login/logout now

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  • Run monitoring agent

  • View reports

What is login/logout monitoring?

Login and logout monitoring is the automatic, real-time recording of employee system login names, as well as the time they log in or log out of their work computers. It is an integral part of employee computer monitoring, helping to track work hours, prevent unauthorized access, enhance security, and improve productivity. WorkTime is an example of monitoring software to track user login and logout that offers real-time monitoring, user activity tracking, reporting and analysis, and support for various platforms. Logon/logoff monitoring enhances security by preventing unauthorized access and detecting suspicious activities, while also providing insights into employee productivity and attendance.

WorkTime features to track user login and logout

WorkTime offers real-time monitoring, user logon activity tracking, reporting and analysis, and alerting and notifications. It can be used on desktop computers, laptops, and remote desktop sessions, making it a versatile option for organizations of all sizes. The employee login monitoring software generates detailed reports on user login and logout activities. WorkTime also provides a user-friendly interface and a dedicated support team. As logging in and logging out is part of computer use, this makes login monitoring software the best way to monitor this process. Monitoring software does this automatically, without the need for any manual work. You don’t need to be a tech person to use it. Also, WorkTime offers comprehensive reports that are much better than employee sign in and out sheets.

What is recorded?

  • WorkTime login monitoring software automatically captures employee system login names and login & logout times;
  • MacOS and Windows login logout events. WorkTime reports display the login and logout name/time of each employee and computer;
  • Our monitoring software records the exact time and date of login & logout to verify employee attendance;
  • The number of times an employee logs in is automatically calculated based on the login & logout time history.
WorkTime login monitoring software also offers other features for better measuring and analyzing employee performance, including:
  1. Employee productivity monitoring;
  2. Active/idle time monitoring;
  3. Tracking the signs of burnout;
  4. Online meeting monitoring;
  5. Distraction score tracking;
  6. Software use monitoringg;
  7. Internet usage monitoring;
  8. Real-time dashboards;
  9. Custom tags for better tracking;
  10. Goal tracker for productivity, attendance, and active time;
  11. Leaderboard reports.

Benefits of WorkTime using login time tracker

Real-time monitoring of login and logout events

Login and logout monitoring software provides real-time audit user logon events, allowing you to stay vigilant and respond quickly to any potential security threats. It acts as a proactive security measure, providing continuous monitoring, threat detection, and enforcement of security policies. The user login and logout time tracker within our employee monitoring software helps maintain transparency and accountability within the organization.

Automatic user login and logout time tracker

Login and logout monitoring is an automated process with which you can’t go wrong. When an employee/user logs in and out of the computer, the number of hours worked, absences, and overtime can be recorded in real-time. This analysis helps identify patterns and imbalances in working hours. The login monitoring software generates detailed reports on user login and logout activities. It helps minimize idle time and false employee overtime. Login and logout monitoring solves the problem of idle time and overtime. Because it is an automatic process, reports can’t be falsified.

Enhanced security

You can rely on employee login monitoring software to detect unauthorized access and protect sensitive data. Data collected through monitoring includes login and logout times, session durations, idle times, and more. Login & logout monitoring provides teams with data to monitor system usage, identify security risks, and troubleshoot issues. The frequency of reviewing employee clock in and out data varies based on specific needs and security requirements. Login monitoring is important for businesses to enhance security, productivity, and attendance monitoring.

Remote logon tracking

The login and logout system is designed to track employee attendance and help maintain accurate records of their work hours. With WorkTime remote employee monitoring, your employees can work from anywhere, including from home, and still be monitored effectively. By connecting the necessary devices, you can track logins and logouts, the remote team’s level of engagement, and areas where productivity can be improved. WorkTime effectively tracks the remote team's logins and logouts.

Non-invasive approach

WorkTime is a user-friendly and flexible option for monitoring employee login and logout activities and working hours, suitable for businesses of all sizes. Our employee monitoring software includes a user login and logout time tracker to record and analyze the exact hours employees spend on tasks. The legality of user logon event monitoring depends on local laws and regulations, and it is essential to balance monitoring needs with employee privacy concerns. Companies can benefit from free monitoring software to track user login and logout, like WorkTime, which offers a free 14-day trial period. Employee monitoring software can improve efficiency, productivity, and security within a business. To track their work hours accurately, employees must use the time logon tracker to record their start and end times for each task. Why go non-invasive?
  • Green employee monitoring technology is a healthy replacement for invasive monitoring methods. It does not require a screenshot or keystroke recording. Instead, WorkTime analyzes performance in numerical data;
  • It helps to stay business-oriented and maintain a balance between the employer’s needs and employee privacy;
  • It is safe and secure, as it does not track private information like passwords, personal chats, or payment info. So, WorkTime monitoring does not cause potential legal issues;
  • Non-invasive monitoring is transparent, helping to build a winning team and support a loyal work environment.


How to track user logon sessions?

Specialized software like WorkTime can be used to monitor employee logins and logouts. WorkTime records the employee’s system login name, computer name, and the exact time and date of login and logout. Besides features to track user login and logout, WorkTime monitors active/idle time, productive/unproductive time, software usage, internet use, and other computer activities carried out by employees.

What is the employee log in and out system?

There are several ways employees can log in to their computers, each offering varying levels of security and convenience. The most common method is using a login name and password. Employees enter a unique username or login name along with a password to access their accounts. This combination serves as a way to identify the user and verify their identity.

Is there an app for employees to clock in and out?

There is login monitoring software to track worker's clock in and out. For example, WorkTime is a user login and logout time tracker that monitors logins and logouts, as well as other performance metrics, in a non-invasive manner (without invading employee privacy).

How to monitor user activity (logon and logoff)?

The login time tracker monitors and records employees' login and logout activities on computer systems. Companies use login monitoring to track work hours, prevent unauthorized access, enhance security, enforce compliance, and improve productivity.

How does login logout work?

There are several ways employees can log in to their computers, including login name and password, biometric systems, smart cards or tokens, PIN-based systems, single sign-on (SSO), and two-factor/multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Can login/logout monitoring be done without employees’ consent?

Generally, logon/logoff monitoring requires employees’ consent, and it is important to inform them about the monitoring activities. Companies can achieve a balance between the need for login & logout monitoring and employee privacy concerns by implementing transparent policies, obtaining employee consent, and collecting only necessary data.

What kind of data is collected through login/logout monitoring?

Logon/logoff monitoring collects data related to employees’ login and logout times, session durations, idle times, and potentially other relevant information depending on the monitoring system.

Can my employer tell where I log in from?

If you log in using a work computer, then the employer can see your location with the help of login monitoring software. For instance, WorkTime monitors employee logon and logoff regardless of workers' locations.

Can my employer see when I log into my computer?

Yes, the employer can see your login information if you use company devices for work. Monitoring software tracks user logon events, providing a report with an employee timeline and logon/logoff time.

Why is login/logout monitoring important for businesses?

Logon/logoff monitoring enhances security by preventing unauthorized access, detecting suspicious activities, and promoting employee accountability. It also provides valuable insights into employee productivity, attendance, and overall system usage. The sign-in and out system simplifies the process of tracking employee attendance and provides an efficient way to monitor who is present in the office.